How to Get Regular Orders on Fiverr

I joined Fiverr a couple of years back with my passion. But I didn’t get any orders in the first two to three weeks. I didn’t know the exact technique to create an amazing and SEO-optimized gig.

In this post, I will exactly show you how to get regular orders on Fiverr. So that people can easily find my gigs according to their needs.

Everyone wants to Get Regular Orders on Fiverr

Then I went to Google and searched How can I make professional gigs to get more orders and I saw the gigs of Top-Rated sellers and how they’re doing.

And finally, I got those techniques to improve my gigs How to talk to clients, and much more techniques to get fast orders on Fiverr.

After this struggle now I’m a successful freelancer and I have completed every order with a Five-star rating and 100% Happy customers.

In this article, I will share my Fiverr experience, SEO Factor How I Rank my gig, and How to write a killer description so that you can easily improve your progress to Get Regular Orders on Fiverr and make you a successful Fiverr freelancer.

We’ll learn five steps to improve our Fiverr profile and get more orders:)

  • Profile Settings
  • The Bonus Tips to get regular orders
  • Positive Feedback from the Client
  • Quick response
  • Your portfolio
  • Gig Rankings

Let’s start with the first point in detail which is:)

1. Profile Settings

A look at your profile is very important to attract your clients to browse your profile and hire you. The first thing you need to do is choose the username according to the Niche/Services that you’re providing. Then set your professional profile picture with a simple background and your face should be clear in the picture.

Attractive Gig

Then create a professional gig with tags and complete package details I would suggest you use three packages in your gigs Basic, Standard, and Premium, and explain what you’re offering in those packages.

Gig Images

Gig images play a very important role in a professional and attractive gig. So, use the images relevant to your services. Don’t use Google Images for your gigs. You can use commercial-free images from etc…

You can make them in Photoshop or any other graphic design tool which are freely available on the internet like Canva. Gig images should be simple and attractive. If you put too much detail on your gig image it won’t look good and attractive.

Gig Description

A description is a very important section of your gig. Here you briefly describe your services in sequence. Be concise and truthful. Answer the maximum number of questions. To attract your customers, Explain what you offer and maintain interest. Write your expertise and feature some of your best offers and why they should purchase your gig.

See the gigs of other sellers and how they are explaining their services don’t copy the description from others, write a unique description but you can get ideas from them to write better than others.

I would recommend you write your workflow process as a bullet point to make things clear for customers. Tell your buyer at the end of the description to place the order. If your new seller makes at least seven gigs make sure that your all gigs are related to your Niche.

Use the Frequently Asked Questions option it solves the maximum queries of the customer and maximum FAQs with your description. Make all your gigs by following these steps.

2. The Bonus Tips to get regular Orders

Buyer Requests

There is an option called *Buyer Request* If you’re not getting orders after all this means you’re using this option because I got my initial orders using this option.

In this section, you will see the customer’s Projects with their need and you can respond to them instantly. And if they are interested in your offers they can Contact/Hire you. This is the easiest way to reach your customers

Importance of Client’s Reviews & Ratings

Client reviews and ratings is really important to build an amazing profile. Before closing your order ask your customer to give positive feedback on your gig. Keep your gigs up to date regularly, Like gig images, Descriptions, etc…

When you will have completed your initial four to five orders with a 5 Star Rating then it will not be difficult to get more orders because the customers will hire you based on your recently completed work and Rating.

3. Positive Feedback of the Clients

Keep reliable communication with your customers. Just reply to the question that they are asking and be straightforward. Deliver your work early. When you finish your work provide the JPG Mockup to your client to see and confirm.

If they ask for the revision don’t hesitate to give them till their satisfaction. Then deliver all the files with your thank-you message. If you don’t make your customers happy they will not give you positive ratings.

4. Quick Response

Respond to your customer’s messages as soon as possible. If you get an order and you receive a notification and email then quickly proceed to your order page and send a Thanks message to your client for their order.

You can use Fiverr’s quick response feature to reply to your customer. At enclosing the delivery you can ask them that if they are satisfied with your Work then kindly give positive feedback on your gig. Don’t hesitate to ask this.

5. Your portfolio

Your good portfolio is key to your success. upload your portfolio on Fiverr where you can show your best-completed work for your customers. With your professional portfolio, buyers can know more about your expertise and workflow. You can impress your buyer with your amazing word as a portfolio.

You can make your portfolio on Behance, Flikr. or your own website. I hope this will help you to improve your progress and your Fiverr freelancing journey.

6. Gig Rankings

Okay, now in this section of the article, we’ll share with you some of the best-ranking secrets. How you can rank your gig in the Fiverr search engine to generate traffic to your gig page and get orders on Fiverr. Also, we’ll share some Fiverr Profile & Gig creation methods. And if you follow these tips in your freelancing journey, I assure you can become a successful Fiverr freelancer in a very short time 🙂

Fiverr Profile :

  1. Make sure to use your own profile picture. You should look clear & confident in the picture. Please avoid google logo images as your profile picture.
  2. Use your original name as a username of your Fiverr profile. So, your client will be able to recognize you and talk to your confidently.
  3. Link your Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, & Twitter accounts with your Fiverr profile. So, it will be satisfactory for your client that there is an authentic person behind this profile.
  4. In the languages section only choose the language which you knows. Like, select your native language and which you’re fluent in.
  5. In the skills section, you should add at least 5 – 10 keywords related to your services. Like if you’re providing Graphic Design Services, then use keywords like Graphic Designer, Photoshop, Business Card Design, Logo Design etc… You can add related to your services. These were just examples.
  6. Now in Fiverr, you can also add your education & Certificates. This thing is optional but if you have your skills certificate, I would recommend you to add it in Fiverr. It will encourage your customers to trust your services.

Gig Creation:

In order to find the best keywords related to your service, Search keywords according to your gig in the Fiverr search bar which you think people can search on Fiverr to find good quality services. You can open other sellers’ gigs from top search results and see which keywords they are using in their gigs.

Copy all those keywords and paste them into a separate Word file. Then figure out which keyword all sellers are using in their gigs and extract those separately for your gig. And use them in the tags section of your gig.

Use your main keyword in the title of your gig. Again we’ll take an example of Graphic Design Services (GDS). If you are providing GDS & your focus / main keyword is “Minimal Logo Design” then make sure you use this key phrase in your title like this:) “I will do a Minimal Logo Design”.

Try to repeat the keywords in your description which are used in the tags section of your gig. It will encourage the crawlers of Fiverr to show your gig in the top search results.

+ Use your main keyword 4 to 5 times in your description. Like our main keyword is “Minimal Logo Design” So, I’ll use it 4 to 5 times in the description.

Don’t copy the description of others even a single line. Write your own description in your words. You can take an idea from Top-Rated & Level-2 sellers.

A new seller must create at least 7 gigs but on one Niche / Topic. Again if you’re providing Graphic Design Services, then you can make gigs on the sub-categories of Graphic Design like: Logo Design, Business Cards Design, Banners Design, Social Media Designs, etc… The title, Description should be different in all gigs.

As a newbie try to keep the basic price of your gig $5. but if the task is complex you can increase according to that. It’s all right. But as new sellers keep your prices lower than Level 1,2 OR Top-Rated sellers. And provide 1-Day delivery. It’ll be helpful.

Write something about your services, delivery, and some catchy lines on your Gig Image. But don’t be crazy!!! Your Gig image should be simple and good-looking.

Write your main keyword in the name of your image which you’re going to upload as a gig image on Fiverr.

In order to get early orders, Make a few samples of your work and add them to your portfolio. It will encourage the client that you can do what they need.

Must add some Frequently Asked questions in your Gig. Once again, must use your main keyword in your title, with this your main keyword will exist in the URL of your gig. So, it will be helpful for your gig to rank on that keyword.

Please try to be online for at least 18 hours on Fiverr. It is really important to get orders. If a customer comes to your gig, and if you’re offline, He/she won’t purchase your gig. And they will bounce back and bounce back can hurt the position of your profile on Fiverr.

So, keeps yourself available anytime for your clients. Tip: Now Fiverr provides its Android & IOS App. You can download Fiverr’s App to access your Fiverr account and manage your entire profile on that App.

If you’re outside your home you can access Fiverr on your mobile. So, it will be easy for you to be online and respond to your client’s messages quickly. And it is really important to reply quickly to your client.

The last but not the least tip is *Buyer Requests* You should send 10 requests for the job daily. Fiverr allows us to send 10 requests daily. So, make sure to take benefit of this amazing opportunity. It’ll be really helpful for newbies to get orders through the buyer request feature.

I hope this article will help you. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. we’ll be happy to assist. Have a nice freelancing journey.

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